During this COVID-19 pandemic, almost every industry, and therefore employees, are suffering the loss of business and jobs. I know many are concerned, and want to do anything they can to support others in their community at this time – especially small businesses and the employees without safety nets. If you live in Mexico City, or find yourself there hunkering down during COVID-19, there are several organizations putting together baskets of produce and food for delivery or pick up. These support the organizations, employees and farms that grow the food. I’d urge you during COVID-19 in Mexico City to support these businesses if you can.
To be clear, I’m not advocating for travel at this time. But if you live in Mexico City, or are a digital nomad who needs to ride out the virus there, you might find this helpful. My good friend Beth Shook, who I always go to for Mexico City recommendations, put together a list of some of the organization that she’s been ordering from during COVID-19 in Mexico City. She’s included details about what they include, pricing, payment options, and more.
Guest post below and photos by: Beth Shook
- This one is run by Colectivo Axolote, a group best known in CDMX for Monstruo de Agua beer and Chinampa probiotic sodas.
- Uses a bit of a hybrid model where you “subscribe” to get updates but you order a la carte each week using a spreadsheet.
- The weekly menu includes a variety of vendors mostly from the Xochimilco area in the south of the city. Can include produce, dairy products, amazing breads, beers, teas, and coffee. This week face masks were also on the menu.
- You can order delivery or pick up your huacal in Condesa.
- Pay by PayPal or bank transfer.
- Yolcan, also based in Xochimilco, is probably the best known of the bunch, as it was already popular pre-contingencia.
- Many well known restaurants around the city, like Rosetta, Pujol, and Contramar, have sourced produce from them.
- When you subscribe you choose which size of basket you want, whether you want to collect it at one of their many pick-up locations or have it delivered, and if you want to receive the basket weekly or biweekly.
- This is more like a traditional CSA in the US—every week the contents of the basket are a surprise. But you can choose to add products like tortillas, coffee, or cheese.
- Baskets start at $340 MXN.
- Pay online by debit/credit card.
- This is a new online platform by the farm-to-table distributors at La Huerta Verde.
- More like an online marketplace so there are no subscription options.
- Includes produce, supermarket basics, and some artisanal products like Insurgentes beer, Umani kombucha, and the local favorite Buna coffee.
- Bonus: your order includes cute stickers promoting shopping local.
- Pay online by debit/credit card.
- A restaurant in Portales Sur that offers weekly huacales of produce. The contents are published several days ahead of time on Instagram.
- $250 MXN to pick up and $300 MXN for delivery.
- Pay via bank transfer.
- An organization that focuses on artisan products, cultural events, and workshops.
- During this time, they are selling baskets of healthy food in collaboration with farmers from Xochimilco and nearby states.
- Baskets start at $250 MXN and include coffee, lentils, fruits, vegetables, and other assorted items.
Pujol (if you’re feeling fancy)
- Pujol offers (large) baskets of produce from their providers—there are three options: a 10kg basket for $590 MXN, a 14kg basket for $790 MXN, or a basket of honey, tortillas, salt, and dairy products for $790 MXN.
- Order by emailing canasta@pujol.com.mx or contacting (55) 2344 1672 on WhatsApp.
- An awesome directory you can filter by neighborhood and product to find more farms and businesses offering delivery. Products range from produce to fresh pasta to eco-friendly containers.
Please feel free to share this to help support these local businesses and farms during COVID-19 in Mexico City. And comment below if you know of other organizations offering this type of service.
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