Flavored waters, or aguas frescas/aguas de sabor are a very important part of Mexican cuisine. If you go to any almost any local restaurant, they’ll have at least one agua for the day. They can be flavored with fruits, herbs, vegetables, flowers, or a combination of things. One of my favorites is cucumber flavored water, or agua de pepino con chia. This agua is super refreshing with its fresh cucumber and mint. It’s also super simple to make! And there is a bonus cocktail version below.
Para la receta en Español, continua hacia abajo.
Post and recipe in collaboration with: Perrito de Mercado

Cucumber Flavored Water: Agua de Pepino con Chia Recipe
Prep time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2-4
- 1 Cucumber, de-seeded
- 3 Limes
- 2 Tablespoons of chía
- Sugar
- 3 stems of hierbabuena or mint
- Ice
- Water
- Peel the cucumber using a peeler. Cut in 2 halves lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Discard seeds.
- Place the cucumber halves in a blender.
- Add the juice of 3 limes, the chia, sugar to taste, the hierbabuena or mint leaves, and ice.
- Add water to about an inch below the top of the blender and blend.
- Serve in tall glasses with a slice of cucumber.
Cocktail Bonus:
- Before blending, you can add 6 ounces of Tequila or Mezcal. Or for a more concentrated cocktail, add a bit less water.
Agua de Pepino con Chia y Limon y un Toque de Hierbabuena
Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos
Personas: 2-4
- 1 Pepino sin semilla
- 3 Limones
- 2 cucharas. de chía
- Azúcar
- 3 Ramitas de hierbabuena o menta
- Hielo
- Agua
- Pela el pepino usando un pelador para después cortarlo en dos y poder retirar las semillas.
- En una licuadora coloca el pepino partido.
- Agrega el jugo de tres limones, la chia, azúcar, las ramitas de hierbabuena o mento y hielo al gusto.
- Agrega agua al tope de la licuadora y mezcla.
- Sirvase en vasos altos con una rodaja de pepino.
Bonus Coctel:
- Antes de licuar, puedes agregar 6 onzas de Tequila o Mezcal
For more recipes inspired by Oaxacan and Mexican ingredients and dishes, check out the Recipe/Cooking category. And lots of Oaxaca travel tips and inspiration here.
I made the cucumber (lime, mint and chia) drink – refreshing! Great summer drink. Thanks for the recipe ~ I’ll have to try some of the others!
That’s great! I’m so glad to hear that. Will be posting more aguas de sabor (flavored waters) soon. 🙂