testimonial ecuador travel

Shannon D., Kansas City, MO

Kansas City, MO |

Shannon D., Kansas City, MO

I recently returned from a full weeks vacation in Ecuador. In that time we were able to visit 3 different cities, traveling by bus. I was surprised by how easy, quick, and comfortable this was. The hostels Susan booked were affordable, well kept and accommodating.


Baños was a beautiful city, definitely the highlight of the trip. Gorgeous waterfalls, healing thermal baths and friendly locals. From the bus rides to the hostels we stayed, to the sight seeing, it all felt seamless. What I did know about Ecuador I was able to share with Susan. She was able to successfully incorporate all aspects into the 7 days.


I highly recommend her and plan on consulting with her soon about a trip to Mexico.



**Shayna and Shannon were travel companions during their trip to Ecuador.

Shannon exploring Quito, Ecuador

Exploring an urban park in Quito, Ecuador

Climbing to the top of a lookout tower in Baños, Ecuador

Shannon touring waterfalls near Banos, Ecuador

Taking a tour of the 7 waterfalls around Baños, Ecuador